Be a Dreammaker
Dreammakers is a circle composed of dynamic recurring donors who are determined to create a more equitable Western New York. Dreammakers allow WEDI to efficiently forecast and budget to maximize impact. Become a Dreammaker here.
"Because of the amazing work that WEDI and the West Side Bazaar do in fostering budding businesses, I am very pleased that I am able to do a small part by giving a donation that recurs every month. By giving this way, I know that I am continually helping their vital work in our community to thrive."
- Bonnie Smith, Dreammaker
When you donate to WEDI programs or our capital campaign for a new and expanded Bazaar, you join a wonderful community of generous and purposeful individuals just like you.
Now, more than ever, it is vital for Western New Yorkers to succeed and thrive in a culturally inclusive community.
Ways to Donate

To make a gift using a check or credit card to our annual fund for programming in Education and Economic Development, CLICK HERE.
Mail a check to the WEDI at 436 Grant Street, Buffalo, NY 14213. Indicate in the memo line if you intend it to be for the capital campaign or the annual fund for programming. Checks must be postmarked by 12/31/2025 to be counted for this tax year.
ACH Direct Bank Transfers
Contact Finance Coordinator Patti McMahon for ACH information.
Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD)
Individuals 70 1/2 years and older are eligible to make a donation from your Individual retirement account (IRA) called a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). A QCD is not taxed, and it is not included in your taxable income. Any IRA owner who wishes to make this type of donation should contact their IRA trustee. Learn more here.
Planned Giving: Extraordinary Giving for Ordinary People
What impact would you like to leave in the world? Naming Westminster Economic Development Initiative as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, IRA, life insurance policy, or bank or brokerage account is a generous way to make a legacy gift and ensure equity for all Western New Yorkers. If you would like to make a gift of stock or mutual funds please download stock transfer instructions here. Please contact Carolynn Welch with questions at 716-393-4088.
Donor Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. If you have a donor-advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to this nonprofit directly from your DAF (as long as your DAF's sponsoring organization is participating). Contact your financial advisor or our office for more information. Our EIN or federal tax ID number is 20-4230463.
Matching Gifts
If your company makes matching gifts, you can double the impact of your contribution to WEDI. Contact Carolynn Welch at (716) 393-4088 to learn more.
You can support WEDI by shopping at iGive. Login into your account, choose Westminster Economic Development Initiative as your charity choice, and shop away. You still have the same variety of products and online shopping convenience as any customer, but a portion of your purchase will then be donated to WEDI at no cost to you.
Organizational Fundraising
We love it when community members fundraise for our cause! Please reach out to Carolynn Welch or by calling 716-393-4088 so we can support you in your campaign.
Facebook Fundraising
Hosting a Facebook fundraiser is easy and fun to do! Login to your Facebook account and on the left, click fundraisers, and then raise money. Click Nonprofit and scroll down to select or type Westminster Economic Development Initiative (WEDI) in the search bar. On the left-hand side, enter the goal amount of money you want to raise and click create to share on your Facebook page. You can learn more here. You can also start a campaign with the social media tools that are offered immediately after you donate.
Call our office at 716-393-4088 or email Executive Director Carolynn Welch.